Martes, Abril 2, 2013

Dear Heartthrob...

Dear Heartthrob,

            Hello! I don’t know why in the world I am writing a letter to you again. I guess it was because of the fact that I still haven’t gotten over what happened yesterday (March 31, 2013). Any girl in love would never really get over with that! I know because I am a girl in love.
            You came! You really came! Did you know that you just made me the happiest girl alive when I saw you dismount from the motorcycle that you were riding yesterday? Did you know that my heart almost escaped from my body when I saw you looking at me as a smile appeared on your lips? Did you know that you completed my day more so, my life? Did you know that you just made me fall for you even more?

            When I invited you to come for my thanksgiving celebration, I never expected that you would come. Honestly, I just invited you with the hopes that somehow you would consider being with me for a brief moment. I was hoping against all hopes but I was not expecting. I could still remember my words when my best friend asked me if you would come: “He did not confirm anything.” So there, I just waited for your SMS to arrive – like I usually do when it comes to you. I just waited without any expectations. I might get hurt, you know – had I expected that you would come. You even said that you will just send me a message if you would come.

            And the day of the celebration arrived. When I received your SMS that you’re on your way, man! Did my heart jumped! *laugh* I felt like I was floating in the air after reading that message of yours. My hands started getting cold, my pulse accelerated and everything in me felt heightened. A few minutes after receiving your text message, you came much to my surprise and I must say shock. It was better that I did not expect anything from you because when you came, everything felt euphoric.
            Despite the erratic beating of my heart, I summoned the courage to welcome you and your friend. You introduced me to him, it was really nice. I never thought that one day you would introduce me to one of your friends. It was just a dream before. And yesterday, the dream became a reality.

            My parents, cousins and yep, my neighbors were really surprised when you came. I couldn’t blame them, you know. That was the first time that a guy came for me. And that was the first time they saw my reaction towards a guy. Actually, up until this very moment, I can still see these crazy, teasing smiles on their faces. Questions as to who you are and what you are to me were flying like bullets towards me. They have this assumption that you, my Heartthrob, is my boyfriend.

            After all that has happened, I want to say “thank you” to you. Thank you for coming despite the fact that my house is situated far from yours. Thank you for travelling just to come and see me. Thank you for taking time of celebrating with me and with my family and friends. Thank you for being a good sport despite of that embarrassing moment that we were being teased by my cousins. Thank you for that time that you bonded with my cousins. They really appreciated it. Thank you for introducing me with you friend. Thank you for making that dream a reality. And thank you for giving me one of the most special gifts for that day – your presence. Thank you for making me so happy and so euphoric. Thank you for smiling at me. Thank you for talking to me. Thank you for looking at me with those beautiful eyes of yours. Thank you for making me fall for you even more. I never regretted a single day feeling this way for you.

            I love you, you know that, do you? There will never be another you in my life. Because there’s only you, my Heartthrob. Only you.


Little Girl

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